Goldman | Goldman Ensemble

Tribute to Jean Jacques Goldman

Embark on a journey back in time and relive the magic, atmosphere and emotions of Jean-Jacques Goldman concerts with "Goldman Ensemble".

This group respects the artist's universe, his simplicity and his authenticity. "Goldman Ensemble" performs live versions of his songs, with good stage energy, a rock spirit and great interaction with the audience. Particular attention has been paid to the development of visuals and sound, including the use of instruments used by the artist.

After a nationwide "Casinos Barrière" tour, this 7-piece band performs regularly in France, Belgium ...

Jean-Jacques Goldman has stopped touring and will not be returning to the stage. The only way for you to enjoy his songs live, during a convivial evening, is to come and see the group "Goldman Ensemble" in concert!



Goldman Ensemble
Goldman Ensemble


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