Few artists have enjoyed a career as rich and eclectic as that of David Bowie.
From his early folk and cabaret days, through his Glam/Rock and Soul/Funk periods, and his various electronic experiments, right up to his latest jazz-infused album, he has always been a trailblazer. He has shown the way and influenced many musicians and creators.
As well as being a prolific and daring songwriter, he directly contributed to the careers of other famous international artists (Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Ian Hunter etc), left his mark on the world of fashion and also pursued a dense and original career as an actor/comedian, while devoting himself as an enlightened amateur to the visual arts.
His death on 10 January 2016 left many fans around the world orphaned by his work, his songs, his presence and his voice.
And it was in admiration and respect for David Bowie's work that the BOWIE SPIRIT adventure began.
The 5 musicians in the group, all long-time fans of his work, and following a decisive meeting with their singer Stan Iankow, himself a connoisseur and admirer of this luminous artist, decided to join forces to recreate on stage a concert/show that explores the many musical facets of David Bowie's career in 1 hour 30 minutes.
Some thirty tracks are performed in a spirit faithful to the sound aesthetics of the original recordings, and with vocal interpretations as close as possible to the different eras that have marked the singer's musical evolution.
After months of meticulous work dissecting the repertoire of their favorite artist, the 6 members of BOWIE SPIRIT are delighted to bring this show to the stage, where you can feel the soul of David Bowie in every song.